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Monday, February 4, 2008

February 6th Discussion Questions

I Corinthians 2:6-16:  

1.     Please read over this passage and be ready to share any nuggets you find in it especially any not addressed in the following questions.

2.     CJ mentioned that in Paul’s day that Christianity was despised by both the Jewish and Gentile cultures, that it was completely foreign to those cultures.  Is that different in our day and culture?  If so how?

a.               He said that the cross is emptied of its power when mixed with the wisdom of the world.  Are you tempted to do so when communicating the gospel or your testimony?

3.     CJ said that “what matters” is not how cool (or rich or smart) one is but whether one is saved from the wrath of God; that what matters is the day of judgment.

a.               Do you tend to think that way (to have that divine perspective)?  Give examples of how that perspective can make a difference in your own life and the circumstances you find yourself in.

b.               How easily do you lose sight of that truth?  In what ways?  

4.     As you look back on your conversion share how it was God who opened up your spiritual eyes and revealed himself and the gospel to you.  This could have been a dramatic occurrence or happened over time.

5.     Has the understanding that God came looking for you (rather than the other way around) helped you to grow in humility and gratefulness?