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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dearest Hgers...

Oh, my.  Mike called us "dearest"...

Dearest hgers - Phil mentioned on Sunday that the hg meetings in February are cancelled.  That's only part true.  We will have hg on Feb 6th and we will be discussing CJ's teaching.  If you meet new people on Sunday invite them to our homegroup.  The following hgs will be cancelled so we can go to the classes that will be running during those times = Feb 20th and March 5th.  Note that the classes are being held on Tuesday nights not Wednesdays.  We are being encouraged to sign up for the classes - they are not just for new people.  But they are a great place to meet and greet new people.  If you have any questions check the church calendar on the web site.  Mike

Friday, January 18, 2008

January Prayer Requests

prayer for my shoulder

my production would continue well at work

God would work grace and truth in my life

Praise God for giving me sleep

diligence in organizing my home

area for Holy Spirit's help: to think more of others and less of myself


to not love my job too much


to be more willing to be led by Holy Spirit in conversations with non-Christians

diligence in school

Dave and Donna:

Joshua's salvation

Dave to be filled with God's spirit


help with tapering off Zoloft

Holy Spirit would grant greater sense of assurance


wisdom with homeschooling


for boldness in sharing the gospel

for wisdom in leading my family


healing of skin abscess

grace for Grand Opening/ wisdom to plan well

business success with website

Amy Kay:

wisdom and grace as I start a new semester on Tuesday, 1/22

that the Holy Spirit would cultivate a servant's heart in me

Please continue to pray for my mom's recovery.  
My dad's salvation.
and my attitude at work to be calmer and more patient.  I need to lower my expectations for the children and not get angry or frustrated so easily.

Praise!! My mom did not have Cancer, but an infection.
Also that a situation at work was resolved.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas in Hawaii Luau

Our homegroup Christmas party theme was "Christmas in Hawaii".  December 19.

Discussion Questions for January 2

Romans 1:17-23:  

1.     Why is v17 such a dramatic, significant statement?

2.     Why do you think Paul goes from rejoicing in the gospel (v15-17) to a lengthy discussion on God’s wrath against sinful man?

3.     Define God’s wrath.  Why is it so important to understand it?  What does it reveal about God?

4.     Paul says in v16 that he is not ashamed of the gospel.  Why is it a temptation to be ashamed of the gospel?  When do you find yourself tempted to do so?

5.     What do verses 19-23 help you to understand?

6.     Phil said that even more important then asking what are the idols of our age is asking what are the idols we personally struggle with.  Here are some of the ways he said we could help identify them: -        

What gives you meaning and or comfort more than anything else?-        

What do you live for?-        

What do you serve?-         What is the most glorious thing to you? (from Daniel’s teaching)-        

What make you angry? (from Connie)                

What do those questions help you to see about yourself? 

7.     Phil mentioned the “inglorious” exchange found in v23.  He then ended his message talking about the great exchange.  What are each of these?