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Monday, February 15, 2010

Discussion Questions for February 17th

Read Romans 12:3-10

  1. Verses 3-8 discussed how we can serve one another with the gifts of the Spirit. What are some of the things we are told to avoid? (i.e. what are some sinful attitudes we must be on the look out for?)

    1. What are some ways that you have been served in the past by the different gifts mentioned?

    2. Which of these gifts would you like to either begin to exercise or increase in?

  2. Read I John 4:7-12 Who, from your past or your present, is an example to you of what it means to love someone with a Christian love?

  3. We are called to love without hypocrisy in 12:9. What are some of the ways that you are tempted to not obey this commandment?

  4. We are called to abhor what is evil. How can we cultivate a hatred for evil?

  5. God calls us to walk with others in the church with a “brotherly love.” What things happen in church life that can test this? What things can we do to foster it?

  6. We are to outdo one another in showing honor. We can do this both corporately (the church may honor someone or a group of individuals) and individually. How are you doing at the individual part? How can we grow in genuinely honoring others?

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