Monday, November 24, 2008
Homegroup Christmas Party
Theme: Christmas in Cuba
Food: Cuban holiday food like Cuban Pork Roast, Guava pastries, etc.
Location: Tentative, stayed tuned!
November Prayer List
The Burnetts:
1. Be filled with the Spirit
2. Lead a disciplined life
1. Selling and buying of homes and moving go smoothly
2. Joshua to surrender all to God
3. Wisdom to care for my mom and that God would be the joy of her life
1. Endurance in spiritual gifts
2. Focus on work at work/work hard.
3. Peace with the out come of Christi and my relationship. Wisdom on how to follow through with our relationship.
4. I also have been struggling with selfishness and pride at an enormous level...I really need prayer to become selfless and not look to my own wisdom over God's and them that He has placed over me.
The Noels:
1. My brother and his family
2. My business
1. Contentment and diligence and safe travel over the holidays
2. For God to reconcile Mike’s brother to the family
3. God’s provision for us through Mike’s business despite the circumstances
1. Prayer for wisdom in how spends her time
The Hinds:
1. Rapid and thorough healing of my shoulder after surgery
2. Ability to minister to my wife and kids while recovering
1. No anxiety about plane travel Dec 4-8 to Seattle.
2. Wisdom in interactions with family in Seattle. Lots of family drama to reconcile.
1. For me to seek to have a humble heart in the midst of difficult co-worker dynamics, that I would guard my heart against anger and bitterness as well as pride and the temptation to vent and gossip about what is going on
2. That I would learn the lesson God is trying to teach me throughout these circumstances because they seem to continually reoccur
3. For my father’s salvation
Amy Kay
1. Resisting temptation to doubt/fear
2. Diligence in spiritual disciplines
Pray for Elaine whose pain and weakness is increasing.