- Phil read Acts 20:17-24, Paul’s address to the Ephesian elders. What in this passage is unique to Paul, and what should we imitate in our own lives?
- How would your life be different if you lived like v. 24 describes? What keeps you from doing so?
- From Ephesians 3:8-10. What are the steps in the process outlined here? What is the ultimate end of the process given here?
- How should this understanding of the church’s purpose—“to be an intergalactic cosmic showcase of God’s glory”—affect our life here at SGC?
- Read 2 Tim 3:16-4:2. What does this tell us about the Bible?
- What happens to you when you fail to read the Bible, maybe for an extended period of time like 3-5 days?
- Do you typically have “ears to hear” on Sunday mornings? Why or why not? Is there something you could change about your life prior to the service, or following the service that would help you listen better?
- What is your current Bible reading plan? How is it working for you?