Monday, November 24, 2008
Homegroup Christmas Party
Theme: Christmas in Cuba
Food: Cuban holiday food like Cuban Pork Roast, Guava pastries, etc.
Location: Tentative, stayed tuned!
November Prayer List
The Burnetts:
1. Be filled with the Spirit
2. Lead a disciplined life
1. Selling and buying of homes and moving go smoothly
2. Joshua to surrender all to God
3. Wisdom to care for my mom and that God would be the joy of her life
1. Endurance in spiritual gifts
2. Focus on work at work/work hard.
3. Peace with the out come of Christi and my relationship. Wisdom on how to follow through with our relationship.
4. I also have been struggling with selfishness and pride at an enormous level...I really need prayer to become selfless and not look to my own wisdom over God's and them that He has placed over me.
The Noels:
1. My brother and his family
2. My business
1. Contentment and diligence and safe travel over the holidays
2. For God to reconcile Mike’s brother to the family
3. God’s provision for us through Mike’s business despite the circumstances
1. Prayer for wisdom in how spends her time
The Hinds:
1. Rapid and thorough healing of my shoulder after surgery
2. Ability to minister to my wife and kids while recovering
1. No anxiety about plane travel Dec 4-8 to Seattle.
2. Wisdom in interactions with family in Seattle. Lots of family drama to reconcile.
1. For me to seek to have a humble heart in the midst of difficult co-worker dynamics, that I would guard my heart against anger and bitterness as well as pride and the temptation to vent and gossip about what is going on
2. That I would learn the lesson God is trying to teach me throughout these circumstances because they seem to continually reoccur
3. For my father’s salvation
Amy Kay
1. Resisting temptation to doubt/fear
2. Diligence in spiritual disciplines
Pray for Elaine whose pain and weakness is increasing.
Monday, September 15, 2008
September 17 Questions
Discussion Questions
- One of my goals in following up the teaching is how can we as a home group grow in the area of prophecy and prophetic gifting* especially in our times together. With that in mind:
- What questions do you have about prophesy? How would you define it?
- What things keep you from participating more in this activity of the Spirit? Is it 1) The actual receiving of something from God to share with others? 2) The discerning of whether it’s for you personally or something you should share with others? or 3) Is it the actual doing of it – stepping out in faith after you’ve receive something from the Lord?
c. What things can help us overcome our weaknesses (sins?) in b above.
- What questions do you have concerning the differences between prophecy and tongues and their different roles in the church’s and the believer’s life?
- Phil ended the meeting with encouragements concerning preparing ourselves for Sam Storm’s teachings and ministry. He mentioned to:
- Be sure our thinking and beliefs in regards to the Holy Spirit are in line with what Scripture teaches. Are there any areas of your belief where you are uncertain to what God’s word teaches? What passages come to mind when you think of the Holy Spirit?
- Be in faith for growing as a person of the Spirit. This would be in general but also specifically that God would use this week’s conference to help us as a church and as individuals to increase in the Spirit’s power and gifting.
- Similar to 2b – be confident (expectant) in God’s promises concerning the giving of the Spirit. Which ones come to your mind?
- Be asking God to fill you and use you and help you grow in this area.
- Spend time with the Lord concerning the above.
Let’s talk about these encouragements and then spend time praying and ministering to each other in anticipation of this week’s time with Sam.
*What I mean by prophetic gifting in our meetings goes beyond just giving a prophecy. It would include Spirit led prayer, praise and Scripture reading and in general being led and directed by the Spirit.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
July 2nd Discussion Questions
- Phil read Acts 20:17-24, Paul’s address to the Ephesian elders. What in this passage is unique to Paul, and what should we imitate in our own lives?
- How would your life be different if you lived like v. 24 describes? What keeps you from doing so?
- From Ephesians 3:8-10. What are the steps in the process outlined here? What is the ultimate end of the process given here?
- How should this understanding of the church’s purpose—“to be an intergalactic cosmic showcase of God’s glory”—affect our life here at SGC?
- Read 2 Tim 3:16-4:2. What does this tell us about the Bible?
- What happens to you when you fail to read the Bible, maybe for an extended period of time like 3-5 days?
- Do you typically have “ears to hear” on Sunday mornings? Why or why not? Is there something you could change about your life prior to the service, or following the service that would help you listen better?
- What is your current Bible reading plan? How is it working for you?
Sunday, June 29, 2008
June Prayer Requests
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Prayer Requests - May
Dan - Money, hygiene
Jenny - Students pass ERB; D.C. field trip
Mike - left arm, father's health
Emma - Blazer gets sold, warts go away, school
Andrea - decisions about college, fear of man
Vicki - Diligence in reading the Bible
Charlie and Victoria - stamina, family in Miami
Donna - Taking care of mom spiritual needs
Dave - God's timing in selling house; Josh; Filled with God's spirit
Nicki- Parents; Dad becomes a Christian ASAP
Nathaniel - Endurance for summer
Amy Kay - Students in her class, Kristix
Tim - Wisdom for husband/father
Jeanne - Sleep
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
May 7 Discussion Questions
Discussion Questions
1. The Lord gives us joy in many ways. What are some of the things in your life that bring you joy?
2. The gospel and “gospel truths” (things that are the result of the gospel) are to be the source of our primary joy. How can we grow in this?
3. Phil said that because of justification when God looks at us he doesn’t frown but that he delights to see us and have us draw near to him. Is this the way you picture the Father as you approach him? (or do you struggle in this area?)
a. What is your experience with drawing near to God? How often do you do that and how would you describe it?
4. Verse 2 says “we have obtained access through faith into this grace in which we stand”. Phil said that this grace in which we stand is the kingdom of the beloved Son, a place where our sin is forgiven and forgotten. It is a place of grace not law or works where there is no judgment. A place of acceptance. “THE LAND OF GRACE”!. Do you feel like you live in this place?
5. “And we rejoice in hope of the glory of God”. What is your definition of glory (or one of Phil’s that you really liked)? What does the hope of the glory of God mean to you and do you find yourself rejoicing/exulting in it?
Corresponding Scriptures:
#3 - Hebrews 4:14Since then we have(Q) a great high priest(R) who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God,(S) let us hold fast our confession. 15For we do not have a high priest(T) who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been(U) tempted as we are,(V) yet without sin. 16(W) Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need
#3 – Ephesians 2:12remember(AC) that you were at that time separated from Christ,(AD) alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to(AE) the covenants of promise,(AF) having no hope and without God in the world. 13But now in Christ Jesus you who once were(AG) far off have been brought near(AH) by the blood of Christ. …17And he came and(AO) preached peace to you who were(AP) far off and peace to those who were(AQ) near. 18For(AR) through him we both have(AS) access in(AT) one Spirit to the Father.
#4 – Col. 1: 13He(AD) has delivered us from(AE) the domain of darkness and transferred us to(AF) the kingdom of(AG) his beloved Son, 14(AH) in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
#5 – 2 Cor. 3:18 - 18And we all, with unveiled face,(AD) beholding(AE) the glory of the Lord,[f](AF) are being transformed into the same image(AG) from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.
#5 – Philippians 3:20But(AS) our citizenship is in heaven, and(AT) from it we(AU) await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21who will transform(AV) our lowly body(AW) to be like his glorious body,(AX) by the power that enables him even(AY) to subject all things to himself.
#5 – Colossians 1: 27(BQ) To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are(BR) the riches of the glory of(BS) this mystery, which is Christ in you,(BT) the hope of glory.
Monday, February 4, 2008
February 6th Discussion Questions
1. Please read over this passage and be ready to share any nuggets you find in it especially any not addressed in the following questions.
2. CJ mentioned that in Paul’s day that Christianity was despised by both the Jewish and Gentile cultures, that it was completely foreign to those cultures. Is that different in our day and culture? If so how?
a. He said that the cross is emptied of its power when mixed with the wisdom of the world. Are you tempted to do so when communicating the gospel or your testimony?
3. CJ said that “what matters” is not how cool (or rich or smart) one is but whether one is saved from the wrath of God; that what matters is the day of judgment.
a. Do you tend to think that way (to have that divine perspective)? Give examples of how that perspective can make a difference in your own life and the circumstances you find yourself in.
b. How easily do you lose sight of that truth? In what ways?
4. As you look back on your conversion share how it was God who opened up your spiritual eyes and revealed himself and the gospel to you. This could have been a dramatic occurrence or happened over time.
5. Has the understanding that God came looking for you (rather than the other way around) helped you to grow in humility and gratefulness?
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Dearest Hgers...
Friday, January 18, 2008
January Prayer Requests
prayer for my shoulder
Praise God for giving me sleep
Please continue to pray for my mom's recovery.
My dad's salvation.
and my attitude at work to be calmer and more patient. I need to lower my expectations for the children and not get angry or frustrated so easily.
Also that a situation at work was resolved.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Christmas in Hawaii Luau
Discussion Questions for January 2
1. Why is v17 such a dramatic, significant statement?
2. Why do you think Paul goes from rejoicing in the gospel (v15-17) to a lengthy discussion on God’s wrath against sinful man?
3. Define God’s wrath. Why is it so important to understand it? What does it reveal about God?
4. Paul says in v16 that he is not ashamed of the gospel. Why is it a temptation to be ashamed of the gospel? When do you find yourself tempted to do so?
5. What do verses 19-23 help you to understand?
6. Phil said that even more important then asking what are the idols of our age is asking what are the idols we personally struggle with. Here are some of the ways he said we could help identify them: -
What gives you meaning and or comfort more than anything else?-
What do you live for?-
What do you serve?- What is the most glorious thing to you? (from Daniel’s teaching)-
What make you angry? (from Connie)
What do those questions help you to see about yourself?
7. Phil mentioned the “inglorious” exchange found in v23. He then ended his message talking about the great exchange. What are each of these?